About Step-Parenting.com
Meet founder Nancy Kotowitz and learn how she helps numerous families.Nancy Kotowitz is president of Step-Parenting.Com, an international company that enhances the lives of stepfamilies through educational tools. Kotowitz is nationally known from her appearances on radio stations WKVL, KDKA, WHYN, and WBZ. Her first book Step Parenting 101: The Crash Course for Stepparents, is the manual she uses in the classes she teaches at Springfield Technical Community College . Her class has been approved by the Massachusetts Association for Marriage & Family Therapy, Inc. for 15 hours of professional continuing education. Besides teaching stepparent courses and running support groups, Kotowitz is part of the Entrepreneurial Institute of Springfield Technical Community College. Kotowitz is the keynote speaker at the Burrell Behavioral Health Administration’s seminar. Kotowitz earned her Bachelor’s of Science degree from Elmira College in early childhood education and her Master’s Degree from Springfield College . Besides her business, teaching, and counseling background Kotowitz has over twenty years of life experience as a stepparent. Kotowitz has been a member of the Stepfamily Associates of America and the New England Stepfamily Association and started her own branch in Western Massachusetts . The Westfield Evening News picked up Kotowitz’s lighthearted poems in 1999 and Bride Again Magazine has also published her work. Freelance writers, Stacey Fonseca, Denise King, and Katrina Derragon have published pieces about Kotowitz’s business in the local newspapers.
St. Mary’s County, Maryland is where Kotowitz first began her teaching career. The next stop for Kotowitz was Idaho where she taught for a short time before focusing her attention on her children. Returning to Massachusetts , Kotowitz taught at Springfield College , Holyoke Community College and is now teaching at Springfield Technical Community College. Her years of research has given her tremendous insight to stepfamily issues which has resulted in her success as a stepparent and has helped her achieve her goal of creating a better environment for stepchildren, our future generation.